
Chaitanya Kediyal, Student, University of Oxford, UK

… debating as an activity has helped me become better at expressing myself and critically assessing problems. These are skills that have had immense value since they’re transferable to my academic pursuits as well.

Dhananjay Ashok, Student, University of Toronto, Canada

Debating as an activity changed the way I saw the world around me. I learned how to ask the right questions (be it in politics or in personal life) in a way that has helped me truly understand my surroundings.

Raghav Anand, University of California, Berkeley

…only when you’re forced to think about issues like LGBT rights or how a war in the South China Sea affects the rest of the world, you learn to connect facts and logic all into one beautiful speech…

Dhruva Bhat, Rhodes Scholar

Debating genuinely changed my life. It has forced me to challenge my assumptions about the world…and myself – who I am, how hard I can work and what I can achieve if I push myself.

Amrithavarshini Venkatesh, Executive Director, ISDS

In my 8 years of debating, both as a debater and a coach, I’ve come to watch the lives of young people transform. It is a beautiful maturation that I wish every child in this country will one day have access to.